The net zero neighbourhood is a proposal for a masterplan at Convoys Wharf in Deptford, London. The neighbourhood envisages a place where living a carbon free life is made easy and the principles of reuse and circularity are embedded.
The Net Zero Neighbourhood is a masterplan for a new mixed use community and a model for a different way of living. There are an array of housing types: stacked and row houses, customisable apartments, self build houses, assisted living, self commissioned (inspired by the German Barguppen model) and more conventional homes - but the key is variety and choice: ‘a place to start and a place to stay’.
At the centre of the plan is the ‘Material Store’: a pre-fabrication warehouse, material bank and maintenance and repair workshop. This building is housed in an existing brick warehouse and is intended to change its function as the place develops: starting as a place of fabrication, and then becoming a place for repairs and alterations and eventually fulfilling other functions such as workspace, an arts venue and second life shops.
Other functions coalesce around the main market square: a community kitchen (food is very important), a children's nursery, a repair centre and a library of things and everything is linked by a network of green and blue shared public space.
The Net Zero Neighbourhood was the winner of the Archiboo & Max Fordham Net Zero Neighbourhood Architects Pitch competition.